Conferencia de educación sobre Parkinson, en español Conozca lo último en medicamentos y tratamientos para el Parkinson, y más Sábado, 7 de mayo del 2022 / Saturday, May 7 de 9 a. m. a 1 p. m. (hora del Pacífico)(Los Ángeles) [button...

Conferencia de educación sobre Parkinson, en español Conozca lo último en medicamentos y tratamientos para el Parkinson, y más Sábado, 7 de mayo del 2022 / Saturday, May 7 de 9 a. m. a 1 p. m. (hora del Pacífico)(Los Ángeles) [button...
PCLA ha creado esta página de internet para ayudar a las familias que viven con Parkinson a encontrar los recursos y la información que necesitan. Comuníquese con nosotros si hay recursos que debamos agregar a esta página. Este programa cuenta con una donación...
La Parkinson Comunidad Los Ángeles recibió un apoyo para Programas de Parkinson en Español Los fondos de la Fundación de Parkinson permiten que La Parkinson Comunidad Los Angeles ( PCLA) proporcione programas adicionales de apoyo y educación para comunidades que no...
The holiday season is here, and with it, the temptation to indulge in rich foods and sweet treats! For people with Parkinson’s disease, choosing the right foods is especially important for managing symptoms and ensuring an enjoyable holiday season. Thankfully, there...
Living with Parkinson’s disease shouldn’t mean missing out on holiday family celebrations or spending time with cherished friends. Proper self-care and preparation can help you avoid stress and anxiety while having a wonderful holiday season! Here are eight ways to...
Living with Parkinson’s disease comes with its fair share of challenges, physically and mentally. It’s common to experience days where staying positive feels impossible, and that’s completely okay. It’s important to acknowledge these feelings without judgment, but...
Living with Parkinson’s can present a range of complicated emotions. It’s normal to experience anger, sadness, and fear — fear for the loss of “normalcy” in life, fear of how Parkinson’s disease will alter your relationships, and fear of what’s to come. In most cases,...
An estimated 8.5 million people have Parkinson’s disease (PD) worldwide, making representation in popular media increasingly important. When accurately portrayed, media can help raise awareness, foster empathy, and offer insights into the daily challenges faced by...
Remember that feeling of going “back to school”? It was always so exciting to shop for new clothes and gadgets, settle back into a routine, and get centered on plans and goals. For those living with Parkinson’s disease, back-to-school season can be the perfect...
Serving Los Angeles Parkinson’s families