Caregiver Resources for Parkinson’s

Spouses, family members, and friends very often serve as caring partners to individuals with Parkinson’s disease.
Though they do not have the diagnosis of PD themselves, the lives of care partners are also greatly affected by the disease. Being the caring partner of a person with PD requires a major transition of roles and adjustment of expectations about the future.
PCLA is here to support the open communication, education, and teamwork that are vial elements in the relationships among you and your caregiving partners.
Caregiver Resources

The USC Family Caregiver Support Center offers a wealth of resources for family caregivers, including caregiver education, tips, support groups, and more.

The national Caregiver Action Network offers online forums for caregiver support and a Family Caregiver Toolbox.

The Caregiver Space is an active community offering personal stories, articles of interest, an email newsletter, and more.

The Family Caregiver Alliance offers resources including an online community and virtual caregiver support groups.

Los Angeles County’s Family Caregiver Support Program provides support to family caregivers who qualify.
Publications on Parkinson’s Caregiving

Caring and Coping, from the Parkinson’s Foundation (also available in Spanish)

Parkinson’s Care Partner Rulebook, from the Davis Phinney Foundation (request a free digital copy by email)

The Carer’s Guide, from Parkinson’s UK

You, Your Loved One, and Parkinson’s Disease: Advice from Lonnie Ali and the Michael J. Fox Foundation, from the Michael J. Fox Foundation
Caregiver Stories

How Can You Be An Effective Care Partner?
Parkinson's disease can change your loved one's life in many ways and can also change yours. How your relationship will grow depends on your outlook as a care partner. However, the weight is not entirely on your shoulders, and you must also care for yourself. Being an...

Do You Need A Movement Disorder Specialist for Parkinson’s?
As people living with Parkinson’s disease navigate their diagnosis, they’ll encounter various physicians and specialists with education and experience specific to PD. One of these is a movement disorder specialist (MDS). Let’s explore the role of a movement disorder...