
Hand’s Solo by Amy Sommer

Hand’s Solo by Amy Sommer

By Amy Sommer My left-hand dances to a beat all its own. It doesn’t need a partner or even music. The digits just flutter.  Constantly. Faster when I’m cold, slower when I’m well-rested. Sometimes my hand’s compass points north, then gyrates south; sometimes it...


Guide to Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is commonly associated with its visible impacts on motor skills, such as tremors, stiffness, cramping, and balance. However, non-motor skills are sometimes equally, if not more, affected for people with Parkinson’s. Common non-motor symptoms of...

Dress Easier with Adaptive Clothing for Parkinson’s

June is National Safety Month! For people living with Parkinson’s disease, adaptive clothing can be a game changer for dressing easier, reducing risk of injury, and maintaining independence. As Parkinson’s disease progresses, some may experience more severe tremors,...

Hand Exercises to Alleviate Parkinson’s Symptoms

A common symptom of Parkinson’s disease is loss of dexterity, or controlled movement, in the hands. The severity of symptoms ranges from person to person, but even the most impacted individual may benefit from a variety of targeted hand exercises. Why Does PD Impact...

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