As Parkinson’s disease progresses, the accompanying symptoms may impact an individual’s ability to drive. This can be a sensitive and sometimes tricky topic. Since driving is associated with independence, people living with PD may view restrictions to driving as a...
What Are the Environmental Risk Factors for PD?
For a deep dive into the environmental risk factors of PD, check out our latest Let’s Talk Parkinson’s feature with Beate Ritz, MD, Ph.D., a Professor of Epidemiology and Environmental Health Sciences and Neurology at UCLA. The relationship between environmental...
Depression & Parkinson’s: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments
Living with Parkinson’s disease can stir up a range of emotions. From receiving a diagnosis to managing the chronic symptoms of PD, it’s normal to experience impacts on your mental health. Depression, in particular, is a common non-motor symptom of Parkinson’s...
Words of Encouragement from People with PD to People with PD
It’s hard to know what to say to someone facing a life-altering medical diagnosis like Parkinson’s disease. Even with the best intentions, our words may become tangled or awkward as we attempt to comfort a loved one. Recognizing the delicate nature of the subject,...
5 Tech Devices to Live Better with PD
Technology has the power to improve the lives of people with PD, and the options for these tools are expanding each year. Recent advancements in tech have allowed for revolutionary methods of monitoring diseases and providing more tailored solutions for treatment. For...
How Parkinson’s Impacts the LGBTQ+ Community
Happy Pride Month! PCLA is committed to serving all members of the Parkinson’s community, especially those who are marginalized or face discrimination in the healthcare system. Members of the LGBTQ+ community experience unique barriers in healthcare, often leading to...
Freezing of Gait, Explained
Freezing episodes can be one of the more frustrating and debilitating side effects of Parkinson’s. Freezing of gait refers to the temporary inability to move despite your best efforts. It may feel like you’re stuck in place and can impact different parts of the body,...
Top Walking Aids for PD [And Benefits of Using Them]
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that predominantly affects motor skills, leading to significant challenges in daily activities, including walking. As the disease progresses, some people may find mobility aids to be especially helpful...
Are Parkinson’s and Hearing Loss Connected?
May is Better Hearing & Speech Month! Parkinson's disease (PD) and hearing loss are two seemingly unrelated conditions affecting millions of people worldwide. Until recently, little has been known about the interplay of these conditions, but emerging research...
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