Sharing Our Strength Virtual Support Group*
Westwood Presbyterian Church 10822 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles*IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NOVEMBER 11, 2024 SHARING OUR STRENGTH SUPPORT GROUP: This date, Sharing Our Strength support group will be VIRTUAL. Normal in-person schedule will resume after November 11, 2024. Thank you for understanding. Click here to join this virtual edition of Sharing Our Strength. This monthly Parkinson's support group is free and open to all. Join us monthly on the 2nd Monday, 10:30am-12:00pm at Westwood Presbyterian Church, in Hoffman Hall. Parking is free - enter through the gate on Wilshire. Host: Nessa Weinman About Host: Nessa is an experienced care-partner to her husband Mike, who was diagnosed at age 36 in the year 2000. Together, Mike & Nessa raised 3 sons who were all under 10 years old when Mike’s Parkinson’s was diagnosed. Nessa has also been an Executive Director for 2 different Parkinson’s non-profits raising money and awareness. She has been running this support group for 10 years.